Stephen Maddux, PhD was an associate professor of French at the University of Dallas.
He retired in May 2016. He also served as the contact person for the French Program,
Fulbright & NSEP grants, Center for Contemplative Studies, the concentration in medieval
and renaissance Studies, language concentrations and qualification in French for graduate
B.A., French & English, University of Dallas, 1971
M.A., Comparative Studies in Literature,University of Chicago, 1973
PhD, Comparative Studies in Literature, University of Chicago, 1979
Intro to French Literature (MCTF3305)
Intro to Old French (MCTF5315)
Elementary French I (MFr1301)
Advanced Grammar I (MFr3145)
Elementary French II (MFr1302)
Intermediate French II (MFr2312)
Advanced Grammar II (MFr3146)
Intermediate French I & II
Advanced French Grammar
King Arthur in Europe I / The Search for the Holy Grail
King Arthur in Europe II / Lancelot
J.R.R. Tolkien: Heroic Fantasy & the Literary Tradition
French Symbolist Poetry
Introduction to Old French
Introduction to Old Occitan
Historical Linguistics
Literary Tradition One (Eng1301)
Literary Tradition Two (Eng1302)
Augustine (ClL3334 Latin)
Medieval Latin Readings (ClL3335 Latin)
Arthurian Romance (Eng5320)
Medieval World (Humanities 6326)
Renaissance World (Humanities 6327)
Co-editing, co-translating, and co-introducing the complete sermons of Petrus Lombardus,
aka Peter the Lombard, twelfth-century theologian, for the Dallas Medieval Texts and
Translations (Peeters).
"La Penitence de Perceval." Communio: Revue catholique internationale (version francaise) 3:5 (1978) 59-69.
"The Fiction of the 'Livre' in Robert de Boron's Merlin." Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 5 (1985) 41-56.
"Satan with and without a face in Georges Bernanos." Claudel Studies 13:2 (1986) 22-33